how do record labels make money

how do record labels make money?


how do record labels make money

When we hear something like the music industry, the first thing that may come to our mind is the Top 100 songs, glamorous artists, or simply concert-day manias. Many questions arise, like how do the record labels generate their revenues? It is a question everyone, starting from amateur artists, lovers of music, and even business people who venture into the production or promotion of a certain artist or band, would like to know.


While record labels are significant to many artists’ careers, how many of them make money is not always immediately apparent. Musicians write songs, producers compile them into albums, and listeners purchase them or consume them through streaming platforms. Nowadays, labels are tired of free music and want to receive a decent income this way.

It just so happens that many people think record labels are only interested in album sales. They generate profits from several earning models, which are clear as well as not so apparent. This complexity creates confusion for artists and those curious about the music industry’s inner workings.

Today’s musicians often ask:

  • How do record labels survive when people don’t even buy CDs anymore?
  • Why do some artists make millions, while others struggle, even under the same label?
  • What deals do record labels have with streaming services and other platforms?

These questions highlight the real problem. An awareness of how music gets labeled as the merchandise that generates revenues is very important for the artists, their managers, and anyone concerned with the commercialism of music.

how do record labels make money


In the first years of the 2000s, the arrival of digital technologies disrupted the music industry. It was a concert going to hell due to Napster and illegal downloads, and for some time it appeared that the entire sector was going to fail. The global recorded music revenue dropped significantly from $23 billion between 2000 and $14.7 billion in 2009, which is a reduction of nearly 50%.

Streaming has been adopted as the main means through which people listen to music. The IFPI Global Music report says that streaming now drives 64% of the total value of the global recorded music. Netflix-type platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music have grown to be giants in this industry with millions of customers and billions of dollars in revenue.

As streaming appears to be a vast source of income, the revenue labels receive per stream will shock you. In general, Spotify pays between $0.003 and $0.005 per stream, which is a fraction of what labels used to make from the sale of physical albums. Simply speaking, the amount of streams needed to make good revenues can be huge and would probably be quite taxing for the artists.

Other musicians have complained that the money they earn from the streaming services is relatively low compared to the profits that the record companies make. Taylor Swift condemned streaming services and even removed all of her songs from Spotify due to unsuitable ways of payment.

how do record labels make money


Despite the challenges, record labels have adapted to the modern music landscape and continue to generate substantial profits. Let’s dive into the various ways they do it:

Music Royalties

Recording labels’ major source of income is music rights or royalties. Royalties are sums of money that are paid to the rightful owners of the song any time they play it, sell it, or use it. For a record label, there are a few key types of royalties to understand:

  • Mechanical Royalties: These are produced each time a song is remastered or copied on either a compact disc, vinyl, or even through the Internet. In this way, mechanical royalties are paid for every stream and part of it goes to the label.
  • Performance Royalties: Performance rights imply the payment of royalties to the holders of the rights every time a song is performed in the public domain, including the record label.
  • Synchronization (Sync) Royalties: When playing in movies, TV shows, video games, or advertisements, sync royalties are earned. These are big, authoritative deals that labels do not joke with because they bring in a lot of money, especially for those popular songs.

These royalties accumulate with each play of the song and since the songs grow in popularity, the amount returned to the record label is a steady stream of income in the long run.

Streaming Revenue

Streaming services dominate today’s music consumption. Record labels engage different platform service providers, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, that just provide a cut of the revenue it earns from streaming. Four out of five times, it means a huge chunk of the money goes directly to the label and the rest to the artists, songwriters, and the like.

For major record labels, streaming revenue can be significant. Universal Music Group (UMG) recently declared that its revenues for the year are $4. This was calculated as 8 billion in revenues generated from streaming in 2022 alone. That is a large number and signifies the extent to which these social sites have made a necessity in the performance of record companies.

how do record labels make money

Licensing and Marketing

Many bands and artists sign their contracts with record labels that own most of the music catalogs and this provides the company with an opportunity to sell rights to music for use in media of different types. It is a fact that licensing revenues for commercials, films, and video games are capable of generating enormous amounts of money. This is a perfect example of sponsorship.

Merchandising is another way labels and artists collaborate. Labels are involved in creating, manufacturing, and marketing fashion apparel and accessories with artists’ images. A percentage is usually given to the label as part of the profit. Other streams of revenue are equally important, including merchandising campaigns played by labels where artists have managed to turn merchandise into a multi-million dollar business.

Touring and Live Performances

Some people expect artists to take all the cash from the tours, but record companies sometimes manage venues, advertising, and several other aspects. In return, they get a share of the amount that will be coming from ticket sales, merchandise that shall be sold in the course of concerts, and any sponsorship related to the particular tour.

With the help of the 360 deals, the label has entrenched its participation in the performances. This type of deal means a record label offers the artist more substantial support but in return gains a cut of virtually everything the artist does, including gigs, T-shirts, and sponsorships. It was reported that Madonna signed such a deal with Live Nation early this year, and the contract deal is $120 million.

how do record labels make money

Advances and Recoupment

A label’s most obvious and major means of revenue generation can be tied around the idea of recoupment. When any company extends a contract to an artist, they offer them a handsome amount of money to use in recording, promotion, and everyday needs. This is a form of financing that works as a loan that the artist has to reimburse before getting the revenues.

If an artist is signed to a label and receives $500,000 in advance and the label spends another $200,000 in marketing the artist’s album, the artist has to sell 700,000 worth of records before they begin to make their money. All the money earned before recouping goes directly to the label.

This structure ensures that labels often recoup their initial investment and make a profit before the artist sees significant income. That is why singers like Prince and Kanye West have been known to openly call against their labels for appropriating most of the profit in the early years of their careers.

Catalog Sales

Record labels also benefit in deciding to sell off parts of their recognized music collections. In the industry, catalogs are sold for hundreds of millions of dollars by artists and record labels. Bob Dylan is another singer who sold his entire songwriting catalog to Universal Music Publishing for $300 million.

Record labels invest because they know that timeless songs will continue to generate royalties through streaming, radio play, and sync deals for decades. Owning these rights guarantees steady revenue far into the future.

how do record labels make money


What is the business model of record labels concerning streaming?

Streaming brings income to record labels due to the share of revenue that these platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Music, charge per stream.

Do record labels earn revenues from the sales of albums?

Yes, record labels make money in physical and digital album sales through revenue share, especially through royalties systems.

How do record labels generate their income from licensing?

Copyright is used when record labels sell their music to filmmakers or producers for use in their movies, series, or commercials to get fees or a percentage of the earnings.

Can record labels profit from live performances?

Record labels may take a percentage of revenue from artists’ tours and live performances as part of 360 deals.

Records labels do give financial support to merchandise, right?

Indeed, some record labels generate their revenues from sales of merchandise related to the artists through the sharing of revenue.


The business environment has been dynamic, especially above the music industry; however, record labels make good money. Although the payout per stream is significantly lower than that of individual track downloads, streaming has given the industry a new impetus after the sales of physical formats have declined year after year.

Through clever revenue strategies like licensing, merchandising, and even live performance deals, record labels have diversified their income streams. Understanding these mechanics is important for aspiring artists, especially as they negotiate contracts and aim for long-term success.

Many artists feel that they give up too much creative control or a large chunk of their earnings but it remains the most reliable path for building a successful career in the global music market. Labels have the connections, capital, and experience to turn a song into a worldwide hit, and in return, they make sure to take their cut.

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