What are Tyler Technologies charges on credit cards

What are Tyler Technologies charges on credit cards?


You may have noticed a charge in your credit card statementTyler Technologies and wondered where that came from recently. A new fee has raised questions among many consumers compounded by fear of fraud. The charge is usually related to the payment made to the local governing bodies, schools, or utility service providers.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card


You are going through your credit card statement with the list of charges that you find every month. From the typical bills that accrue while paying, there is one label that causes an immediate start A charge from “Tyler Technologies. You never knew this company, you never bought anything from them, and you have no idea of any service linked to their name.

Tyler Technologies people all over the USA have been waking up to find charges from Tyler Technologies on their credit card statements. Such people are not only confused but also anxious, wondering whether their credit cards have been compromised. Such losses from certain unfamiliar charges may not necessarily be fraud, although it is important to investigate them.


Some people feel a little confused Other people can feel enormously stressed. It comes as no surprise that people tend to think of the worst in today’s world, where data breaches and identity thefts are not unheard of. Unresolved charges can lead to

Accumulated interest

If such a charge is substantial and you get to know about it after making the payment of the bill, then you can be charged interest on something you did not buy in the first instance.

Credit score impacts

At some point, when a dispute relating to a fraudulent charge reaches a certain point, there might be no payment and therefore your credit score deteriorates.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card

Time spent resolving the issue

Based on the type of charge made, you may be forced to spend a lot of your precious time on the phone with the credit card issuer gathering evidence to support your case.


Tyler Technologies is primarily involved in selling software and technology services to local government bodies, agencies of public safety, and educational institutions.

According to the recent annual report, Tyler Technologies offers products such as tax billing systems, court management systems, and financial management systems, among others, across more than 2,500 municipalities in the United States.

If you’ve responded to any invoice to your local government, school district, public safety office, or even city hall, then there is a high likelihood that Tyler Technologies handled the invoice payment on behalf of the organization.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card

Common Reasons for a Charge From Tyler Technologies:

  • Property Taxes: A large number of counties and municipalities collect property tax payments. If you have been billed to make your property tax payment recently, then the charge is most probably that of the property tax payment.
  • Court Fees or Traffic Tickets: If you have received a ticket, like a speeding ticket, a fine, or any type of court fee, then you may have registered a transaction by the name Tyler Technologies.
  • Utility Bills: Some local governments use Tyler’s platform to manage and process utility payments.
  • School Fees: If you’ve paid school-related fees, such as tuition or administrative fees, the transaction may also appear under Tyler Technologies if your school district uses their services.

Case Study

Jane was going through her credit card statement and saw a bill of $356 under Tyler Technologies. Jane had not made a transaction with any such company and the sight of the amount made her feel something was fishy.

Feeling distressed by such a possibility, she contacted the credit card company in an attempt to contest the charge made. The customer service representative offered Jane some more details of the charge to her. I found out that the payment was a County Tax Office payment, which was so confusing.

Jane conducted a follow-up and assumed the charge was a scam but later on, she realized that it was her annual property tax bill payment that she had paid online through the county’s website. It was quite surprising to know that the payment processor for the transaction was Tyler Technologies.

Jane’s first feeling of concern was quite a response She ought to have been concerned that the settlement could quickly collapse and leave her with nothing. But when she tried to search for more information, the story was different and so she was left with no option but to prove it was a real bill and the puzzle was solved.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card

How to Confirm and Resolve Charges from Tyler Technologies

You may have questions about why Tyler Technologies appeared on your credit card statement. Now let us delve deeper into it and show you the steps that can help to verify and delete the mentioned charge.

Review your recent payments

Begin your search by considering any recent debts that you have paid to local governmental offices, school districts, or a utility company. Did you use your money to pay property taxes, traffic tickets, court fees, or utility bills? If so, then there is a high likelihood that Tyler Technologies charges to one of those accounts.

Check your transaction history

Go to the Internet banking or credit card services and check out the details of the charge. Some credit card accounts include extra information that concerns the merchant, such as phone numbers or the fact of the previous payment. This can help you verify the source of the charge.

Contact the government office or agency

If you suspect the charge is linked to a recent payment you made, try reaching out to the relevant government office or school district to ask if they use Tyler Technologies for their payment processing. In many cases, they’ll be able to confirm whether the charge is legitimate.

Dispute the charge if necessary

If you’ve gone through these steps and still can’t verify the charge, it’s time to take further action. Contact your credit card issuer to dispute the transaction and initiate an investigation. Be prepared to provide as much detail as possible, including any steps you’ve already taken to verify the charge.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card

How Tyler Technologies Operates in the Background

When you pay your property taxes, you’re not directly paying Tyler Technologies, but rather, you’re paying your local government through a payment platform that Tyler provides. The government entity contracts with Tyler Technologies to use its payment processing services, but this detail often doesn’t appear clearly in the payment process, especially if you’re paying online.

You can just imagine it like buying something on eBay and using the PayPal system of payment. You pay by PayPal through the site of the company you purchased the item from but the name that appears on your bank statement is PayPal. Tyler Technologies accepts credit card payments for many local government services but it’s them whose name will reflect on your credit card statement.

Key Takeaways

Unfamiliar charges can be explained

In most cases, a charge from Tyler Technologies is not fraudulent. That is more just a reimbursement or a payment for a government-related product or a bill, which was facilitated through their network.

Keep records of your payments

To avoid such confusion in the next financial year, ensure that you fully record any payment made to any local government or school. Once you see the charge, cross-check with your payment records to determine its authenticity.

Verify before disputing

Jumping to conclusions about fraud can create unnecessary stress. Before one can argue with the charge, to affirm it is not true, one should make a follow-up call to the particular governmental body or the school district that one attends or works for to check whether they use Tyler Technologies.

Tyler Technologies is a leading provider of software and payment processing services to public sector clients all over the United States With over 2,500 clients, Tyler Technologies is a reliable and trustworthy company. The company facilitates millions of legitimate transactions annually, which is why you find their name on your statement most of the time.

Tyler Technologies charges on credit card


What is a Tyler Technologies charge on my credit card?

A Tyler Technologies charge usually appears for government software or services provided by the company.

Why did I receive a charge from Tyler Technologies?

The charge may be for services or software provided by Tyler Technologies to a public sector agency you interacted with.

How can I dispute a Tyler Technologies charge?

You can contact Tyler Technologies directly or dispute the charge through your credit card provider.

Is a Tyler Technologies charge fraudulent?

Not necessarily; verify if you or someone in your household used public services that utilize Tyler Technologies software.

How do I contact Tyler Technologies for billing support?

Visit Tyler Technologies’ website and use their contact form or call their support number for assistance.


If there is a mysterious credit card charge on your bill from Tyler Technologies, don’t panic first; the charge may indeed be for property taxes, traffic fines, utility bills, and other transactions that were made from your credit card. Once you have stuck to the guidelines in this guide, you will be able to easily find the origin of the charge and settle any outstanding issues.

Knowing that there are businesses such as Tyler Technologies that deal with payment processing for local governments relieves excess concern and just makes it possible for individuals to always be in command of their money. Now the next time that you find yourself staring blankly at that fee, you will know exactly what to do!

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